Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween and AndiLand--A Dream?

Some time ago, after seeing Andi in her cute Ladybug Halloween costume on her blog,, I started having nightly wet dreams inspired by that costume and another photo on her "Come Get Some" blog entry from a while back.

 Last night, for instance, I dreamed I was in Andi's hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on Halloween.  Winnipeg is about 1000 miles from me, and I don't know the exact reason I was there (dreams are like that), but evidently, I was visiting a friend.  I was excited as I knew I was in Andi's city of residence, but dismissed any thought of seeing her due to the overwhelming odds against finding her in a city of that size.  Then, what would I do if I did find her?  I certainly would not want to come off as a weirdo stalker!  As the situation unfolded, this friend had other commitments for the evening, a private party, and so I was left to fend for myself.  Steamed that I would be ignored for a couple of hours, and not wanting to sit around watching television and answer the "trick or treat" doorbell all evening, on a whim I headed out to a nearby costume shop that I had noticed in the neighborhood.  The costumes were pretty well picked over, and it was rather mild for October, so I opted for a pirate outfit that did not require a mask--just a head scarf and earrings, along with the shirt and pants.  Once I had changed into my costume back at my friend's house, for something to do, I headed out with a pillow case after dusk to make the "trick or treat" rounds of the nearby neighborhood.  There were quite a few kids in costumes and a few adults out walking from door to door.  While I had not done this for many years, I did not feel out of place and soon got into the spirit of things, shouting "trick or treat" at each door with the light on, obtaining half a sack load of candy within forty-five minutes or so.  Finally, having received enough candy, I felt that it was time to head back and planned on stopping at just a few more houses along the way.  A small group of us approached a house and shouted "trick or treat!" in unison.  You can imagine the shock I felt when, upon opening the door, a girl stood there with a bowl of candy, along with a certain twenty-something female behind her, dressed in a Ladybug costume!  I stood there staring, dumbfounded, then shouted:  "Andi!  It's you!"  Yes, I had stumbled upon Andi of fame, helping to dole out candy with her younger sister for a while before she headed out to a party.  Putting her finger to her lips, she shushed me, as she did not want her presence there known to anyone.  As the other kids received their candy and ran on to the next house, Andi pointed to her right, nodded her head that way, and whispered to me:  "Come around to the side."  Beyond the front porch light, it was quite dark, but I carefully made my way around a hedge to a side bedroom window being opened by Andi.  The window sill was about neck high as I peered in, trying to see Andi.  The room was black behind her, and all I could make out was her faint silhouette.  As I inhaled Andi's appealing perfume, I quickly stammered to her how much of an Andi fan I was.  Andi leaned over to speak through the open window and said that she was here at a friend's house and going to a party soon, but would give me a little reward for being a fan and keeping her location secret.  She told me to pucker up and lean forward.  The next thing I knew, Andi gave me a quick, closed-lip kiss through the open window!  There, in the dark, I had just kissed Andi!  It was divine with her lips of honey, causing me to become a little light-headed and shaken.  She said, "There.  Now off you go."  I greedily stammered that I wanted just one more kiss before she had to go.  There was a hesitation, but she reluctantly said, "Well . . . okay".  I seemed to hear little shuffling sounds from her side of the window, but she said, "Alright, go for it."  This time, I was determined to get a little tongue action going, because, well, when was I ever going to see Andi this up close again?  Eagerly, I leaned forward and met Andi's tight lips with mine, kissing them several times.  I was surprised that she stayed right there as I kissed away, but I didn't hesitate to take full advantage of the situation.  Boldly, I then attempted to push my rigid, extended tongue between her puckered lips.  It took a few tries, but my tongue finally slipped inside and felt the moist warmth within, as I searched deeply, attempting to find Andi's tongue with my own. Andi's lips were more relaxed now, but still firm against my tongue, and her lips moved towards me slightly, as if she wanted me to go deeper within her mouth!  My tongue searched around and explored, but I could not find Andi's tongue!  While I had the chance, I was determined to make the most of this encounter.  I continued this enthusiastically for some time there in the dark, hidden from the street by the hedge, when I heard a little giggling coming from the other side of the window frame.  I couldn't imagine what could be so funny during this intense, passionate kissing.  Suddenly, I felt her lips expand away from my tongue somewhat, protrude, and then three quick blasts of air rushed past my tongue, flesh vibrating against flesh, making low trombone sounds in the still of the night, with just the sound of "trick or treaters" in the distance.  Only then did I realize that after the first kiss, disgusted with my greediness for a second kiss, Andi had turned around, pulled her costume down, bent over, and placed her naked butt on the window sill. So . . . unknown to me up until now, I had been eagerly French-kissing Andi's asshole!  Momentarily stunned, I was frozen in place.  After she broke wind in my face, Andi pulled away, stood up, pulled up her costume, turned around and stated emphatically, "Okay, now you've received your treat AND your trick!  I hope you're satisfied!  Good night!"  Down came the window, and I was left alone in the darkness, still stunned.  It took several moments for me to collect my thoughts.  As I stumbled around the hedge, and wandered back to my friend's house, I knew not to even mention what had happened in his absence, beyond me saying that I had gone out "trick or treating".  However, I had some great memories of being close to Andi for a short time, and I learned a valuable lesson-- about asking for more.

Me In My Pirate Costume
With My Candy Booty
Andi's Booty, the Best Kind of Booty